Monday, December 26, 2011

Hawker Stalls First Part - Newton Circus!

Fat Yu like Singapore crab, but very expensive, lah!  (Uh-oh, Fat Yu in Singapore too long!  Start to talk like Singapore person!)  Many things in Singapore expensive, like this fruit juice with strong wine!  Cost 120 RMB!  Aiya!!  Fat Yu buy big bottle of Shanghai huangjiu for 20 RMB!

Doesn't matter!  Not everything in Singapore expensive!  That's why Fat Yu and wife go to hawker stall!  Singapore hawker stall sell many different dishes!  Each stall make different dishes!  Is like Zaoyang Lu, but much cleaner!

First hawker stall we go to is Newton Circus!  (Eh, Fat Yu thought circus is where laowai walk on rope, paint their face and scare children?!)  We order many dishes!

First we order oyster with egg!  Is very delicious!  Many oysters!

Then we order Singapore special dish, prawn with cereal!  They even serve them Chinese style, with shell still on!  Fat Yu can spit shells onto plate!  Feel like home!

Fat Yu wife say we must eat vegetables!  So we order Chinese vegetable with fried garlic on top!  Very good taste!

We even order fried white carrot cake!  But Fat Yu too busy eating to take picture!

How can I be too busy to take picture?!

I Am Fat Yu!

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